Untitled, from the series "Garden of Eros," 2017
The act of storytelling in an aphoristic way it to honour the “ephemeral” nature of queer desires and the encounters that occurred on the bench of a cruising park in India. Encounters that had created a temporal space between bodies. It is this listening with intimacy and care that is crucial for this act of storytelling. In this spirit of queerness, I maintain my closeness to a sideway methodology, specifically, to consider the Kothi’s socio-political location. It is a movement not just once, but again and again, only after this repetition can one create a more empathetic encounter. This “rehearsal,” by which I am implying the act to re-hear and re-listen and if needed, with an improvisation. So that in this process of telling-stories one finds a “political-becoming” what Muñoz considered as a crucial imagining of a queer future. Hence, the title of this inquiry is a process, the “going sideways” is a queer act.